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W2WT on the Web


For you amusement and edification here are descriptions of some of my previous and current projects. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Click on the link or picture for more information.
Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitor Trouble Shooting and Repair  
I was listening to my NC-300 while taking some final voltage readings before closing up the case. As I was taking a reading, the probe slipped and and touched ground creating a momentary short. Wow the radio instantly developed a very loud hum. Uh-oh a bad power supply electrolytic, fortunately no smoke yet, so I shut it down as quick as I could. Click the link to learn how I diagnosed the problem, what caused it and what I did to fix it.
Drake MS-4 Speaker Baffle Replacement  

A while ago I purchased a Drake MS-4 speaker on eBay.  When I received it I was diappointed with the appearance of the speaker grill. Instead of a uniform black background the grill had a mootled brownish and grey appearance.  Click to see a pictorial of the simple replacement process.

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