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W2WT on the Web


eComstation / OS/2 is the primary operating system used at W2WT.   This page describes the computing environment and provides links to OS/2 web pages.

Main Operating Computer

The main operating and development computer at W2WT is an AMD quad core system running on a Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H motherboard. The system has 4GB of ram, a 64GB SSD drive for boot partions and a 1TB hard drive for software and data. The system has connections for eSATA backup drives and a gigabit ethernet port.

Web Development

This web page was developed on the main operating computer using a text editor to hand code the html. Modular coding was used to separate the look and feel from the content. The PPWizard preprossesor and Rexx scripts were used to generate and publish this page.

Why I Use eComstation / OS/2

I have been using OS/2 since Version 2.0 in 1992 and all the OS/2, DOS and Windows 3.1 software I purchased then, still runs on the latest version. Some carelessly designed programs do have problems running on todays huge hard drives with humungous storage.   But the latest version of eComstation will still run on a system that meets their requirements and the programs will still run.  eComstation will quite happily boot from either a primary or logical partition with any drive letter and does not mess with any other drive.  .Over the years I have performed many system, hardware and software upgrades by just switching the hard drive into the new system and making a couple of configuration changes to address network card or video card differences.  No nonsense with registering configurations with Microsft, it just works. If I want a bigger hard drive I can just install it in the PC, create the partitions I want, Xcopy the data off the old drive, change the drive letters to match the data source and reboot the system. It sounds harder than it is. There are no known eComstation viruses, no daily security updates, it just runs and runs.

Why eComstation / OS/2 might not be for you

eComstation runs on a limited selection of hardware and requires more knowledge to set up hardware not supported by the installtion disk.  While Windows hardware installation is more automatic when it works, eComstation is much more flexible and allows easy problem recovery and optimization.  The biggest disadvantage of eComstation is the availabity of software, if your looking for the latest and greatest games, video, word processors, spreadsheets etc. you're not going to find them.  You will find programs that fit every need, they will not be the latest and greatest, but they will perform the function and work reliably.

eComstation / OS/2 Links

eComStation Homepage
Mensys OS/2 Software
Blonde Guy
PMViewPro: A Versatile and Fast Image Viewer
RSJ CD Writer
Tips for Warpzilla - Mozilla for OS/2
Hobbes OS/2 Archive
MailTo: encoder by Tyler Akins
PPWizard Home Page

Ham/2: Amateur Radio, OS/2 and eComStation

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