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Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips that I've picked up on over the years.  Click on the picture for a full size image.

Spring Clamp Radio Holder

Picture of Radio

Instead of precariously balancing your radio chassis use a spring clamp to securely hold it to your bench top. This picture shows an HQ-100 clamped to my work table while being repaired.

EMI Choke using a CRT yoke toroid core

Picture of Choke

Have a noise radiator with a long power cord? I had a Verizon FIOS -48v power supply that was radiating so much noise I couldn't align a radio on my nearby test bench. I also had a junk box full of old CRT yokes. So I stripped off the yoke windings to end up with a large ferrite toroid and wound as many turns of the power cord as would fit in the toriod. When I plugged in the power supply the noise was gone. Without the choke I couldn't receive a broadcast station within 10 feet of the supply now I coludn't hear noise on a clear channel until I got within a foot of the supply. The core even splits to make winding easier.

Tool Demagnitizer "Gun"

Picture of Tool Demagnitizer

This is an oldy but goody. An old style soldering gun make a great demagnetizer for small tools. Just hold the tool inside the tip current loop, press the gun trigger, slowly remove the tool until it is about a foot from the loop and release the trigger.

Enlarged Schematic for old eyes

Picture of Demagnetizer

Many multi-function printer / copiers have a poster mode that will enlarge a copy to three or more times its original size. When I'm doing extensive work on a radio I use this mode to enlarge the schematic and glue the individual sheets to a large sheet of posterboard.

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